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Company Address: 45 Dunfield Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada, Ontario

Email: info@shiplake.com

Web Site: https://www.shiplake.com/

Social Networks: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin


For decades, Shiplake has been dedicated to crafting purpose-built rental properties that offer elevated residential experiences. Our commitment extends beyond mere accommodation; we strive to curate exceptional living environments that boast condo-style luxuries and amenities, setting us apart from conventional condo rentals and property management offerings. At the core of our ethos lies a dedication to fostering vibrant communities and creating spaces that inspire connection and well-being.

What sets us apart is our relentless pursuit of excellence. We continuously refine and innovate our offerings, pushing the boundaries of what defines a superior residence. Our relentless pursuit of improvement ensures that our residents always enjoy the very best in modern living. With a keen focus on both the physical space and the sense of belonging within our communities, we are not just redefining the concept of rental living; we are setting a new standard for what it means to call a place home.


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