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Concert Properties

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Company Address: 8th Floor, 1190 Hornby Street, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6Z 2K5

Phone: (604) 688-9460

Web Site: https://www.concertproperties.com/

Social Networks: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter


At the core of the Concert Properties narrative lies a steadfast commitment to prioritizing people above all else. It was back in 1989 when Concert Properties embarked on its journey, guided by three enduring principles that continue to define its ethos.

First and foremost, Concert Properties remains dedicated to generating attractive, sustainable returns for its stakeholders, underscoring a relentless pursuit of financial viability. Secondly, the company upholds a profound responsibility towards fostering employment opportunities and leveraging the expertise of skilled construction union labor, thereby contributing to the vitality of local economies. Lastly, Concert Properties recognizes the imperative of giving back to the communities it serves, instigating a ripple effect of positive impact across diverse societal landscapes.

Initially entrusted with the noble task of crafting assured rental housing, Concert Properties has since undergone a transformative evolution, expanding its purview and diversifying its portfolio. Today, the company stands as a beacon within the real estate sector, proudly owned by 47 union and management pension plans alongside institutional investors, collectively representing the aspirations of over 200,000 Canadians.

Under the umbrella of Concert Properties, a multifaceted approach to real estate stewardship unfolds. From the development and management of rental apartments to the cultivation of vibrant seniors’ active aging communities, every endeavor is imbued with a sense of purpose and responsibility. Moreover, Concert Properties extends its reach into the realm of condominium homes, seamlessly blending innovation with timeless design to create spaces that resonate with homeowners.

Embracing a holistic vision of real estate, Concert Properties orchestrates its operations through two distinct corporate entities: Concert Real Estate Corporation and Concert Income Properties. Through meticulous curation and strategic acquisitions, the company endeavors to cultivate a diverse array of industrial and commercial properties, enriching the urban fabric while catalyzing economic growth.

Beyond the confines of traditional real estate ventures, Concert Properties boldly ventures into the domain of infrastructure development through its dedicated entity, Concert Infrastructure. Here, a forward-thinking approach converges with a commitment to public welfare, as essential infrastructure projects are meticulously invested in, developed, and managed to meet the evolving needs of society.

In essence, Concert Properties embodies not merely a corporation, but a catalyst for societal progress. Rooted in a legacy of integrity and fueled by a vision of inclusivity, it stands as a testament to the transformative power of putting people first.


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